Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Are ALL Carbohydrates Created Equal???

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates provide the primary source of energy we need for bodily functions.(Murray, 2005, 69) Each gram of carbohydrate releases 4 calories. All carbohydrates are broken down into glucose by the body and glucose provides energy for our brain, muscles and internal organs.(Bauman College Handbook, 2010, 303)

Complex carbohydrates

Contain healthy fiber, sugars and starches and many vitamins and minerals

Many complex carbohydrate foods are also high in fiber, helping to regulate gut health and stabilize blood sugar. (Bauman, 2010, 304)

Complex Carbs = brown rice, leafy greens (kale, chard, collards), raw fruits and vegetables (apples, oranges, celery, peppers etc.)

Refined carbohydrates

Stripped of their vitamins, minerals and healthy fiber

Many refined carbohydrate foods are implicated in a variety of diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and tooth decay (Bauman, 2010, 303)

Refined Carbs = crackers, cookies, sodas, sugar and most packaged foods, cereals and snacks

So....Do YOU think that ALL carbohydrates are created equal???

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